What is something that was told to you in a religious context that made you feel extra bad?
How long has it been?
What is the deal with Evangelicals cancelling plans because something came up at church?
What are some verses that you used to follow but now find cringeworthy?
One thing that really gets me about this religion is the legalistic black-and-white thinking such as this example
"God will never give you more than you can handle" horse shit!
Tomato juice on varnished wood
What was your childhood like?
Gossip masked as critique
What’s a religious argument that just makes you go “Aw here we go again”?
Did y’all believe in demons and to what extent?
Does church feel boring and routine? That's your fault, of course
How long have you known that Pentecostalism wasn't for you?
Biggest thing you wished you could have experienced.
When your elderly mother mocks you
Looking for peeling fidgets. Please help.
Did the concept of God being responsible for ALL of the good in the world but NONE of the bad annoy you?
my parents went through my journal when I was 20 and the aftermath is still going strong.
Does anyone have a hard time caring about people?
What was your unhinged youth group/church name?!
People suck, show me your dogs
What is the strangest thing you’ve been told was apparently a “sin” or made you a “harlot?”
Retrospective: Receiving a prophecy about my life at YWAM back in 2010
Shit people say to you when you’re deconstructing… Go!