Am I in the early stages of labor? 36 weeks.
What were your first symptoms of pregnancy?
Will I absolutely know when I’m having contractions vs other pains?
Is the Concept of 'Free Will' Compatible with Determinism?
We find out the gender in 6 days!
How did you wait between ultrasounds?
What “type” of ultrasound is your first?
What subjects to study when taking up politics in general?
How much alcohol do you drink a night?
Will my son hate me and all his teachers think I am a hippie
when did you first feel movement? FTM with anterior placenta
Difference between being pregnant in your 20's or late 30's?
How Do You Feel About Regulations?
Unmedicated birth: How did you get through the ring of fire/tearing?
Clementine-cute or evil?
My abusive mother cried when hearing about my pregnancy
Landed my first-ever job and now want to do an MPhil. But for that, I might have to QUIT my job. But how am I supposed to finance MPhil without a JOB? Should I just quit the dream of MPhil? Or am I going to regret it?
Anyone else feel like they have a rock in their stomach?
how far back in history would you have to go to not be able to reproduce with what is considered a human? are there any non-homo sapiens that could produce a viable offspring with a homo sapiens sapiens?
NHS rant
How can we talk about the harmful implications of sexist language without seeming like a pedantic feminist?
TMI but 37+3 and pooping ALL DAY. Is this a sign?!
Why are letters so baffling to AI?
What is going on with DOGE being run by teenagers?
Since some people inherit their last names based on occupation, place of origin or physical characteristics etc ... What are some interesting last names?