Echo Card Megathread
Question about how Frodo, Sauron's Bane "you win the game" trigger works
Inky trust event tells
My opinion toward the new IS limited module changed after actually seeing how strong they are.
Some confirmations and questions about Art's.
Games like Nier Automata
Skill charge?
FInd myself being indifferent toward Wis`Adel's banner
For people who've played for a long time, what's a non-limited operator you got once but never saw again from pulls?
Should Global (all regions not CN) schedule be pushed faster for it to be closer to the CN schedule?
POV: you told Shu you didn’t want seconds
How the hell do you feasibly be able to the cosmic horror called the Seaborn in Tera?!
What are the best spooks you've experienced? And if you get an off-banner operator in the future which one do you want?
Shu's experimental plot is up on global?!
Launch Technical Issues Megathread
Textures not loading properly except in Norfall Barrens
Daily Questions Megathread - May 29, 2024
fatal error issue
Summermyst 4.0 Beta vs 3.0.7 release
"Beneficial Self-Targeted Spells" and SkyUI Group Hotkeys
Frost Damage
Even the meme reached into this sub huh?
Dragon Aspect and Vokrii perks?
How does valravn fit into futhark?
My circumstances regarding R3incarnation