Some more tattoos from the same artist
About to get my Breast Augmentation, do I pass?
I got a new haircut... age and gender me?
Freehand stick & poke I did on my self while on LSD.
can you guess who it is?
Be brutally honest. What do you see in these pics at first glance? Gender in comments
do i pass?
14yrs old dinner
How did we do? And do we have any wrestling fans?
Do i pass better as a girl or boy? Im 18yrs old
consistently getting he/himmed now, do i pass or do i look trans and people are being nice?
consistently getting he/himmed in public, do i pass or am i visibly trans and people are just being nice
cherry pie
Are memes allowed here?
Am i passing? ftm (ik its the long hair)
tips on posing for back progress pics?
Do these look medium or medium rare?
new haircut… age/gender ?
taxi driver
I need help with my lower half
Time for my quarterly "clock"-in (ha ha..) how am I doing?
do i have man hands?
what prevents me from passing? (transmasc)
Is there anything I can do to pass better? I thought I did but got clocked at CVS