Can’t take it anymore (read caption)
Does anyone want to join in a reasonable discussion of the state of this game?
Why do y’all even bother?
Which character you think has the worst ULT and why
How long does the application process take?
WD1 ending is...
Hot take: This game is good
I want to join infantry but my parents tell me its not a good idea, should I listen?
I want to play Legion, but only for the bloodlines DLC
What is your favourite perk(s) at the moment?
What's the coolest moment you've had in HLL?
I do not care about your smurfing alt account where you only play 1 character
Marcus does sick parkour on awnings (enhanced parkour mod)
How long does it take to be approved?
New freddy is the most fun I've had on this game in a while.
Does anyone here even like the army?
3 supports is so boring to play against.
I'm done playing killer
How do I start from the beginning?
Recruiter recommended me to look into other roles, should I listen?
I NEED a 3rd game to come out.
How do you even win in GM?
Is Alienware worth it?
Am I missing something? This doesn't answer the question at all.
Season 5 is the final season, confirmed by devs