Once I or my team lose a lead *ever* that's it and it's killing my climb
New Season, New Pool. Looking for some advice and insight
Why do people pick up Riven?
JG Shen: Viable in low elo
Playing for a year. Still bronze. JG only. Should I switch to laning?
How do I even begin to learn this weird champ
I think way too many junglers are fun and it's killing my climb
Are your split mastery sets completely nonsense too?
JG main, new mastery recommending almost all ADCs
Kindred or Lee Sin: Who's harder to master?
What's Taliyah's role, so to speak, when JG?
Having trouble learning Gwen (JG)
Give me your rank and champ pool and I'll try to give advice on how to climb.
I don't "get" this champ
Total scrub looking for *how* to even learn GP
About to drop into Iron 4. Genuinely don't know what I'm doing wrong