Quoted a Transmission Rebuilt/Replacement *10R80* Hard Reverse Shift?
Egd today! Help on results!
Stomach polyps
Pancreatic cyst found, thoughts?
32 yo getting tested for PC
I had an EGD two weeks ago and got mild dysplasia on biopsy results?
Fundic gland polyps with mild dysplasia??
Constant dull pain behind sternum for 4 months
I didn't think Omeprazole was the culprit? MRI/CT GI Doc
I lost my virginity from a raping incident
Branch IPMN
Pancreatic Cyst Surveillance
Would psyllium husk cause this or more an ulcer/fiber/etc?
I'm so f**ing tired
My dwarf apple tree's leaves are all falling off and they are all covered in this. Anyone know what it is?
my bestfriend raped me on my own bed and took my virginity
Diagnosis doesn't feel right
I feel stuck, trapped, unfulfilled and a failure in the entry level job search