Can anyone help please?
Can anyone trade please?
Hey! Does anyone want to do a straight trade?
I am an EO applying for HEO roles.
Trades? W
Trades welcome! Please tell me the set number as it’s hard to find sometimes 😂
Anyone looking to trade? What I have vs what I need
Forced breaks?
LF doro wat and curtain call
Wishful thinking but could anyone help me at all? All help me finish a set! 🙏🏼 any help would be so appreciated
Why is CS recruitment so bad?
What I have VS what I need, looking to trade ☺️ my
What I have VS what I need? ☺️ anyone want to trade?
Can anyone help please with this card?
What I have vs what I need - can anyone trade please?
Can anyone help me please 🙏🏼
Pretty please can anyone help?
Can anyone help me please?
What I have spare vs what I need
What I have VS what I need, looking to trade ☺️
What I have spare vs what I need? Looking to trade ☺️ please tell me the set number as I don’t know the sets yet!
What I have spare gold and what I need? Can anyone help please?
What I have Vs what I need, ideally wanting to complete a set! Can anyone help?
I need opinions please