Journey to my first SaaS, launched last week… and no one is using it.
Looking for feedback on a tool I'm working on
What is a good QR code maker that is free and that won’t deactivate? Thanks! 🙃
99% of AI Apps Are Just Fancy Garbage
6 Months to $1K MRR [no ai]
Stop building useless sh*t
Best place to get a free QR code that will not expire?
"The market is saturated" - Why that's actually your green light
Don't generate QR codes from just any site
Hello, I'm looking for a Dynamic QR code generator with analytics.
Is it worth paying money for QR codes generation?
Any recommendations for a free/low fee dynamic QR generator?
Looking for a good dynamic QR code generator that doesn't break the bank
I built an IBAN validation API for developers
(Non-AI) I built an IBAN validation API for developers
Editable QR code generator??
Reliable/reputable QRcode generator/provider suggestions.
All the same regurgitated "ideas"
Weekly Feedback Post - SaaS Products, Ideas, Companies
IBAN validation API - Validate IBANs and get detailed bank information
I built a simple-to-use dynamic QR code generator
Dynamic QR Code
QR Code Generation
QR Code vs NFC
QR code on business card: yes/no/how?