20 week ultrasound, small cerebellum measurement 35F AUS
Cerebellum low at 20w3d scan?
Any parents in thus community?
Was the birth/graduation as bad as you imagine?
I’m in mourning over only having one.
Are you scared of the newborn phase? And will your partner be available to help?
Don’t Feel Connection
can someone please help me determine? 😭
I feel like my body and soul are out of sync during my pregnancy
Just found out and I’m frozen in fear…
How did you know you wanted to have only one kid?
Finally Finally pregnant
I feel like everything I enjoy has been ripped away
HR notice: Return to Office or else - has anyone been fired?
Just lost my job but with pay
When did you start loving your baby
Do you enjoy being pregnant?
Anyone else dealing with feeling low/almost depressed in pregnancy?
Pregnancy Depression
Being induced in 3 days...
FTM and worried about being ok - these feelings are wild
The loneliness is a lot
Am I biting off more than I can chew with only pumping?
7 weeks pregnant with depression. No meds, how did you cope?