Why would Keir face his rs the wrong way?
A simple problem?
Boy and girl dinner 😁
What is the best treatment for these "dips" in my cheeks?
Fundraiser has reasons for specifically not allowing Nigerians
What are your predictions for Nigeria in 2025?
This is the comment to a post made by a mother whose husband was s*xually abusing their daughter(she’s 13)
Happy New Year to y’all!
Christmas was hard
How would you respond to this, if at all?
About food lol
Would these 4 get along? What would they talk about?
Javier Milei is living embodiment of the fact that one man can actually make a lot of positive changes in a nation, despite the rhetoric constantly being peddled by Nigerians that one man cannot possibly reverse the damage done to Nigeria.
Missing fresh catfish pepper soup - UK Nigerians, help!
What's the worst thing a parent has ever done to you?
What are the ways in which being a mother is different from being a father?
Your African child isn't lazy or stupid they may just be neurodivergent
Why do Nigerians think our parenting style is so great when our country is so broken?
Snippets of The Week. Abuja.
Roast me
What does our fridge say about us?
Nigerians love corrupt leaders because they see themselves in them
What will it take for the black African to be respected globally?
Which name is this in your tribe?
I know John Doe for sure