Splice Rent to Own (Serum)
Anyone know a free plugin alternative to little alter boy? (just needa good formant shifter, logic pro)
How do you guys have your settings so when you record audio, it lays perfectly with the track and isn’t behind. I think i may have messed up my sample rates or something.
Anyone know if you are able to select multiple notes on the drum sequencer and change them all simultaneously?
Would You Choose Windows Over Mac For Music Production?
Loki's all-butcher skin audio a little TOO muffled.
Why do people hate Loki pick in gold and platinum?
How did the avengers ever win in the movies without a healer bruh
a bunch of my waves plugins randomly stopped working (all up to date/ tried repairing through waves central)
Let’s say I wanted to pitch bend these 4 tracks down simultaneously, what’s the most optimal way to do that?
Is this a good 5 months progress? Would love some critique.
welp guys after 2 months of using logic I finally learned my lesson.. (haven’t saved in about 4 hours)
is it possible to ungroup DMD tracks?
Looking for a OOOOO and AAAAAA Quoir samples
Good mobile daw's?
Help me choose a DAW
How do I recover my project
[BOTW] [TOTK] Which was more terrifying?
DIY: I Transformed A 50-Year-Old Bedroom Into A Professional Studio
If you need help with m4 purchase and specs read this
Just starting out
What color do you guys usually use for your sketch layer?
Can I use logic without having to pay for additional audio packs and additional tools like autotune etc
Most popular plugins according to AI, what's missing?