Be honest please….
hot take : taming horses is easy
Hot take: money is too easy to get
Do you prefer online or single player and why?
Was this guy important?
What are your favourite RDR2 easter eggs? Mine are the vampire, the UFO on Mount Shann and the swamp ghost
What did you name your horse and why?
What do you want added in RDO?
What are your top 3 horse breeds?
New to RD games, I wish you could pet the kitties bro 🥺
Female character options?
Is rdr 2 online in 2025 still worth it?
What was your best/nicest interaction with another player online?
Favourite horse breed on RDR2 and why?
My many moods (and mounts)
Looking for things to do after finishing the game
The Tailor..
What are you all doing when you travel?