how many cals for this meal?
Advice - 3 Months In
27F Southside looking for adventure buddies
Newbie on a 7.5inch foam board
Sunshine coast surf spot
Beginner Surfer
Working and living in the UK
Farm work
What to do?
Do you pronounce it Z or Z?
Out of ten, how would you rate your looks?
Fiction Australian crime
Happy hour Saturday
Date ideas in brissy
VW Golf battery Smoked
VW Golf BATTERY started smoking
What are a man’s sign he love a woman, married, dating, single?
What’s the worst thing you did when you were drunk?
How to become a Stewardess on a boat?
Is 75KG heavy for a 5’7 22 YO?
How do I get the song "feliz navidad" out of my head?
Do you guys think movies used to be better in the 90s and 2000s than most movies we see today?