Learning Typewriter Maintenance and Repair
Zettelkasten Method State of the Art in 1898
The Memindex Method: an early precursor of the Memex, Hipster PDA, 43 Folders, GTD, BaSB, and Bullet Journal systems
A year of Bullet Journaling on Index Cards inspired by the Memindex Method
Make It With Punched Cards (1971) : pack o fun - Projects to make with your old punch cards
Hermes 10 Repair
Rusted Typing Mechanism
Issues with type guide
Smith-Corona Silent Super repair question
Make Your Own Edge-Notched Cards
Re inking ribbons
Advice Pls - First time shopping in person for a Typewriter
Olivetti lettera 32 weird keys
One of my favorites.
Great gift
Corona 3 carriage won’t move
What do I have here
SM3 - Arrows and Zombies
Should my line spacer be scraping against the metal plate?
What Typeface is this?
New find! Now time to learn how to get it ready to work again
Advice for olivetti studio 46
Typewrite Box doesnt open anymore
Need Help with My First Typewriter - Antares CAPRI