Ban Meme
Měl jsem přednost?
Neobydlené byty v obcích a městských obvodech.
Marrying shadowheart
Nekdo si zabral muj sklep
Darovani sperma bratrovi
Školní mafie
What’s the most annoying “that’s bad for you!” myth that drives you crazy because people still believe it?
Already blocked him lol
Nedavno tu byla soutěž dokresli kočku o bludišťaka (link v komentu). A von fakt přišel! A tady mé poděkování, má se fajn, díky _HiZzy_ <3
Sem retard a udelal sem to zase
Ahoj na jiné zahraničním subredditu jsem koukal na diskuzi, kde se týpek ptal:"Když pojedu rovně, musím dávat blinkr?"
Proč jsou holky pomalé?
Co se to sakra děje ve světě?
went on tinder and was confronted with a homework assignment from this man lol
This piece of shit is the hardest boss fight in the game
At 72 y/o, I'm claiming the title of oldest gamer to complete Elden Ring and Erd Tree on NG+7. Including Melania.
TIL my girlfriend is a witch
Got this for Christmas today. Any tips for a new player who has never played any soulslike game?
Plex account hacked
Losing my mind here
Network Pass-Thru
My girlfriend broke up with me today.
That opinion regarding SoulsBorne games that would get you in this position ?
What do you think is the most powerful moment of all the Fromsoft games?