This Community in a nutshell.
Best quotes/scenes out of context? playback?
How many artists have you scrobbled? (all-time)
And lastly, what’s the comfort episode?
New layout for recents
Totally missed that I hit the 2000 albums mark! Give me a number 1-2062 and I’ll tell you what album is at that rank
Why is the number for artists different?
Different number of artists
[TOMT] late 90's or early 00's alt rock song
what is your current (or most recent) scrobble?
Everything Everything
Breaking Bad quote that cracked you up the most?
Do you listen to currently popular-on-Spotify music?
Indie/alternative rock or pop EP's (or singles)
What is your most scrobbles in a week?
who is the last artist that you scrobbled for the first time?
Favorite quote starting with B?
What percentage of your total scrobbles comes from your top artist?
Your Taste in 7 Songs
how compatible are we?
Do you care about listening streaks?
Which is your first scrobbled song ever?
Least Favorite Doors Song