no longer sick
Aaarghhhh..... So Close
(crosspost/gaypost): i keep meeting men who don’t remember that we’ve met before (and slept together, sometimes multiple times)
Where can I send a sample of my gear to get tested?
Do you think he’s natty or are you an out of shape lazy guy?
How do I break up with a girl who breaks down crying every single time?
How to Romance Hans in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
Saw a similar post and wanted to share - 1 year blast and cruise
Lacquer peel showing after a month of having a new (used) car 😕
MFW I can’t lose weight because that would mean ‘starving’ myself and that doesn’t support my fat fuck diet
Why are older asian women so much tighter than every white girl? Had sex last night and found god
Guess witch one I got hit by
Low testosterone levels for a 20 year old man.
stacking reta with HGH anyone?
I need some advice with girls..(M,17)
Why do people take anabolics and annihilate their testes / TRT to less of an extent when they could take GnRH to skyrocket their natural production of LH and testosterone?
Sw20 at 17
Bros, is she touching the bar on the chest or not? angry sub mods say she does but i can't see that
MR2 As first car?
ostarine or ac-262
On vs. Off cycle
Taylor Lautner in Twilight
Thoughts about hardik Arora?