General discussion/feedback/questions, subreddit news/information, etc.
Why we need Nuclear: a 90%+ Wind + Solar grid needs more than 100 hours (4+ days) of Electricity Storage
French auditor warns of challenges to EPR2 programme
Ontario Looking to add up to 10,000 MW of nuclear at Wesleyville Ontario location.
Who’s Building Nuclear Reactors?
The Memecoin Shenanigans Are Just Getting Started
Can't find correct air filter size for my Bryant HVAC- please help
It is now 2025. Whats the deal with R-410a?
China's first-ever commercial isotope reactor begins production
What kind of megatons would we see in a nuclear exchange today?
It's time for Germany to admit its mistake on nuclear energy
Are there any known MIRV delivery systems with multiple busses? Eg. with axial alignment configuration, so one bus is stacked in front of the other?
Treaties and payload question
Ukraine, nuclear bomb
America is going nuclear. What are your thoughts?
Is it feasible to further enhance the yield-to-weight ratio of nuclear weapons?
'Horrific' conditions aboard Nuclear submarine saw Royal Navy crew forced to share food as medics feared ‘serious loss of life'
Opinion | The Staggering Price You’re Paying for America’s Nuclear Makeover (Gift Article)
I feel like I should leave
Help with denied insurance claim - insurer claims gas leak is wear and tear.
Someone explain to me if solar panels on your house are worth having?
Iran warns of potential change in nuclear doctrine if Israel targets facilities
Liftoff report lifts the lid on cost and risk in push to nth-of-a-kind reactors
Best Powertools for homeowners?