Feedback requested
Is Elliot Counseling a good choice?
Water pressure out
Least expensive vets here
Need some help. Treating my son like a scapegoat as I was treated as a scapegoat in childhood.
Help finding projector
Dementia took everything, but he held on to his music. Rudys tenor voice, sings "Ave Maria"
Is there a blending brushes out there that doesn't leave hairs in the paint?
Blending brushes problem
Heroic Traffic Guard jumps in front of car to save child.
This old radiator with a place to warm up your bread
His face after he made it
Beginners luck I guess
What did your timeline look like for your puppy getting more freedom?
RFK Jr. Is Scary. His Online Fans Might Be Scarier.
Golden Retriever or Samoyed? First-time dog owner seeking advice on vocalization, apartment living, and hybrid work schedule
Need some suggestions on when to neuter
Best gyms in town with a pool
A 74-year-old man in Florida pulled his puppy out of an alligator's mouth.
How is Normal's water?
These oil paintings by Marco Grassi 🤯
Muddy paw cleaning hack
Is this an animal control call?
Ori is the perfect picture of a tired but happy doggo
Grateful For Grace Moving Through My Fingers
Looking for a Dermatologist