I'm about to quit the show
Before I try this, what would you rate it?
Your Favorite Quotes/Lines ?
Top 2 flavors of all time let’s go
Some opinions about this show and its characters that get thrown around often that I think people are wrong about
The best way to spend my day off 🎀🍥🫧🌸🍧
When did Rick figure them out ?
My go to flavor when I can’t find iced vanilla berry. Never lets me down. What’s your go to? Thankfully pear cinnamon isn’t an option anymore 🤢#teampearcinnamonisass
What Made You Buy A Switch?
Which era of Carl was your favorite?
Fuck it who do YOU want to babysit
You’re stuck on an 8 hour flight. Where are you sitting?
What's your favorite verbal fight in the show?
What walking dead deaths made you cry the most
Which TWD gore scene got you like this?
What is Rick's reply (Wrong answers only) :)
Packaged Luggage Stuck
[SELF PROMOTION] Link to your closet here!
Who would win in a fight Jerry or Tyrese
The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live S01E04 - What We - Episode Discussion
you can only bring back one.
How do you think ”The Ones Who Live” will end?
rick's best look imo
lego rick grimes