School options for genderqueer kids? (Catlin Gabel?)
Is Crescent City a complete story?
Are all Doodles clingy?
What are you favorite theories?
Timelines tog, cc and acotar
Rescue told us he’s a mini poodle, I’m not so sure about that. Any ideas?
There were no stakes by the end of CC3
How I first imagined Lucien…
Official Kholin Family Christmas Card sticker by Marie Seeberger
What actor or actress left a movie franchise or TV series thinking they didn’t need it anymore, only for their career to phase out?
Am I even a sailor?
Tucker Carlson claims hurricanes hitting US 'probably because of abortion'
Saw something in my girlfriend’s Notes app she didn’t want me to see…
What Books did You Start or Finish Reading this Week?: November 04, 2024
What do you think happens after we die?
Masters of Death by Olivie Blake
Infamous Open Captain's Mast video.
Does anyone else picture Dorian as more scrawny than most fan art depicts him?
I need an opinion from a man’s perspective (mansplain away)
Who’s the most complex??
Sarah spins too many webs
Im convinced you all hate Chaol because he's human and reacts to these senarios the way a normal person would.
Just started TOG
Tamlin, Elain and Lucien Theory