What is Your Idea for Spy X Family Crossover Fanfiction?
Are these skates still good for me to take classes in?
Do nightfall and Yuri interact in the manga
Is it too late to start?
SPOILER WARNING: Theory about Donovan and Anya’s mother
Need advice
In your opinion, which anime has the best music/soundtrack?
Got wave 2 of the dolls today!
I just started reading Yona of the Dawn recently and I’m SO inspired by the artwork! Drew one of my favorite panels so far which is the cover of chapter 5 🤍
My local library
If you were part of the committee, what creative rules would you come up with to disqualify them?
What's your FIRST EVER Anime? Mine was Slumdunk!
HOW do I get someone without ADHD to understand my brain
Met Justin Cook
Aio for be paranoid about my friend
These are my favorites. What should i watch?
Yu Yu Hakusho reference
How do we feel about this?
What does my art smell like?
Collection grows
I got my dream Yona Tattoo
Do you change your “favorites” VERY often?
Do you have long-term friendships with people if you or they move?