I know Nathan Fielder in real life, AMA
Oliver quiet?
when do you think new ot album is coming guys
What line just makes you recoil because its just.. wrong😭
Lil dicky!
Paul gives NoLifeShaq the OK to react to the leaks (Em is a fan of Shaq's channel)
Kendrick to your gun, name 3 head songs
Whats his name? Top comment gets to choose...
my first finished House music, what do you think? (honestly the sound selection was wierd 🤣)
Second rap single !!
hi guys i’m seeing a lot of depressing stuff on reddit that makes me hate myself please reply with jokes that aren’t corny
Got my cat to recreate the DAMN. album cover
One of a kind
Anyone else here think Em might be on the spectrum?
Songs that sound like spongebob (does this count?)
Saw this spotify playlist in my dream (I forgot which Lemon Demon songs the 2nd and 3rd were)
Isn't this beat garbage?
Would you listen to this on the radio?
Is this worth continuing?
Debut Rap Single “BRACE”
Second Rap Single “IMPACT”
Top 5 Rappers
Shows to fill the Nathan void?
Name YOUR top 5 LYRICISTS / WORDSMITHS (no hate!)
Weird Al forgets his own lyrics