pepperoni pizza
Why am I the only one that has to wear denim shorts?
chicken and dumplings gets my veggie hater to eat carrots!
What is your favorite word?
“My name is Chris, and I like candy and jumping and colorful birds!”
She will be peeled and diced and added to the stew when tender
How is my handwriting looking? Any tips/feedback appreciated
Well, well. Look who matriculated to Grade 9
Hungry beyond desperation
Walk around with a purple lamp
but it was too late, she died from an angry hymen
Mean Girls Door Decs
Need better vocabulary here’s a list of words I’m trying to integrate that I think I can use on a regular basis or a word I feel like I want to know for certain uses please lmk if others you feel are high vocabulary but still implementable
Rank the months of the year from most acceptable as a name to least
He will be boiled until all dente
He will be sacrificed
My cat has been sacrificed to the couch >~<
He will be read.
She will be dried and put away with the other clean dishes.
My mom’s view from her mom’s upstairs window. Northern Minnesota.
McMansion Interior with 100% Appropriate Tree
We saw cubic balloons at the farmer’s market
He will be returned to Walmart
My Romance Novel Cover [The Local Donut - Phoenix, AZ]