Best overall chip?
Has anyone tried these before? Would you?
A bird lifting its wings at an odd angle
What is my car?
How’d I do?
I wish you a long life…
what do i name it
Group size?
Think i smoked a lil to much boutta feast
How does this look?
what does mine say about me
Am I Overreacting?
Did you guys build CO2 cars in High School?
Love these!
what flavor(s) are you grabbing??
Evening walks in California, random corner store selection, what would you pick?
So how the fuck am I supposed to open Nerds? This packaging is ass, can’t slide the cardboard bits at all
I’m $200 poorer! What’s my fridge tell about me?
Missing Emblem?
The Red Stick That Came With Handi Snacks
I was wondering when was the last time you went a buffet? Next week will my 1st time in a few years? What are your memories of them?