First time making a mount
First time trophy mount
Better pictures from my previous post per request
What kind of deer is this from?
Algae too much for 1.5 week old cycling tank?
Getting happy with my build and setup
Thoughts? Everything is finally settling into the new tank
Will this rig i tied work?
Moved into my new tank
How to catch these fishes with rod?
Does anyone know if these work?
What is the name and brand of this specific lure?
Is my shrimp pregnant?
Help me find a specific Jerry Springer episode
Got some driftwood finally! Thoughts?
She’s smiling for the pic 🐸
You ever seen this kind of fishes?
What are my frogs doing?
Help, I just found these in my tank.
2 week update since fish
Caught my first big catfish
Is this a channel or a bullhead?
I got fish
First planted Tank
Type "I'm not racist, but" and let autocorrect finish the sentence.