911 what's your emergency? What's _______?
No, Elon should BURN in ____
Reading books is for _______.
I tried so hard and got so _____
____ taught me how to act like a pornstar.
Ronald Drump stole ____ from Mlon Eusk
I need someone to F_____ me
Spirits, what toppings should I put on my sandwich?
It's funny when you find yourself looking from the outside I'm standing here, but all I want is to be ______
If pee is stored in your balls, then where is poo stored?
But since we're all gonna die, there's one more secret I feel I have to share with you. I did not care for _____________.
I. Am. _________
Where is my mind?
There's a hole in pants where my pussy is. So every time I bend over whilst teaching my students they start ______
Why do we need to learn ___? We’ll never need it in the real world!
Brazil has ______?!
Why am I scared of the future? ____ implants.
Elon Musk loves watching ______ porn
How do I become Pope?
🎶 Hello from the other siiiiide. I must have called _____ a thousand tiiiiimess 🎶
Mamma mia, here I ___ again
I weigh 300 lbs from eating too much _____
r/AskOujia should most definitely add flairs. There should be one called ___.
I'd be concerned if my parents were secretly _____ too!
I think im going to _____.