Where to buy accounts?
This Nunu + Tahm Kench Oneshot Combo (BUG!) is still in the game after 3+ years!
Nepracuji v IT. AMA
People in here defend Exhaust users yet complains about junglers 💀
Na letní prázdniny bych rád do ciziny na 2-3 měsíční brigádu, ale jak začít?
i found some bajs whos last post said he was gonna maxlevel, and he was inactive since
forsen Baj
No IRL stream in January.
Most obnoxious champ to face in ARURF?
Prediction: by Set 16 TFT will be on its own, unique client
Užívám Anabolické Steroidy AMA
I'm stuck in plat any advice
What would you do with my opener to chase 1st?
This is why people say Sukuna mid diffs Gojo
Pobyt ve tmě
Reddit jako seznamka?
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Guess the Trailer 2 Release Date Contest
I just saw a Innervating Locket solo frontline Kog Maw destroy a lobby. Is this the newest dark technology?
Is this BIS Lux augments? I just hit it and I think there arent really better ones for her lol
at this point i miss minecraft streams
Remember, for every time you have a bad game, someone else is also having a bad game.
outside of his universe how high would he scale with all of this.