Trying to make a Spontaneous adventure for a group
General ideas for a more simplified CoD system?
looking for a new RPG home
My roll system is *intuitive*, but only after explaining it 5 or more times. Help with the explanation!
Rotating / alternating GMs?
Looking for advice on having competing Luck and Agility stats when determining Chance to Hit in my Homebrew System
In you opinion...
What do you think of more recent level-based RPGs moving away from 20 levels, instead towards ~10 levels or thereabouts?
Simple RPGs
Best Layout/Editing
Best Recommended Terminal
Which system should I use?
Looking for a more narrative, less combat-centric alternative to DND
What you say long term campagain, how many sessions
Is the level of tactical depth in RPGs relatively low?
Attack without weapon?
Best Systems for Character Creation & Roleplay Depth? (Lifepath, Prompts, etc.)
Best hardcover you own (quality of book, not game)
What's your favorite character sheet?
did you guys find your perfect rpg, did you settle for good enough, or do you pick different ones for different games?
Recs for high action, less crunch, more narrative fantasy combat?
Games with GM Impact moves or good procedures for creating consequences or complications?
Urban fantasy where death isn't worst outcome?
Need a game for 2 players (1 GM and 1 player)
Good systems that aren’t built around/dissuade combat?