Who’s the strongest person liltotto can win against (with glaze)
Who wins?
FP Antithesis Sklave Rai Bloodlust Voltstanding Uryu vs Mayuri with 1 day prep.
Liltotto vs kuruyashiki
Zombietta vs Aaroniero
Liltotto vs starrk
Fbb ichigo vs sealed nimaya
Hisagi (shikai and bankai) VS Espada. Who he beats who he can't.
EOS lieutenants vs Espada
Why this guy sucks so much? No range, weak "strong" attack, less kill with his skill, such irony for an "Overkill". Even NaNaNa is a better choice!
I think zombie vollstandig meninas obliterates soi fon, thoughts?
Ichibei(Base) vs Team
EOM Prediction: Thousand Year Blood War summons: Lust
pls klab bring as this mayuri
[New Resurrection] Fierce Battle : Tempest (02/25)
Animator Leo Kawamoto announced today that he has been fired from the production of cour 4
Do you think we will get a zombie meninas and candice banner? Because they look so badass in their zombie form
Are we not going to talk about how uryu almost pushed ichigo into using his true bankai (if he wasn’t hesitant)
What’s shanks real name?
EOS Gotei 13 Captains: Shortests VS Tallests
Adult Toshiro vs Lille Barro
Bankai Retsu vs Sealed Oetsu
Shikai Hisagi vs Cirucci Sanderwicci