Ship Rating! What Do You Think of Minachako?
I'm sorry, I can't do this to you anymore. I'm actually a ________.
I got cussed out by one of the people working at elections Ontario
Is Trump your daddy?
My boss asked me to send a photo of my pussy cat. But I don't own a cat. What did he mean?
I'm proud to be British, where at least we have _______
What are your *immediate* thoughts upon hearing 'Paganism'?
Whats one tag you just can't be bothered with, but everyone else seems to love?
What was your people's Bi "awakening"?
The MAGA brain worm is infecting rural Saskatchewan.
Anybody here NOT turn to Atheism?
What things do you enjoy that your parents didn't allow?
People that were into Qanon and anyone that has loved ones that were in Qanon. How did you snap them out of it?
Do you forget about Jupiter when naming the planets?
What font do you use when writing?
Do you regret joining this sub?
Can you bring stuff with you while astral projecting?
The last anime character photo you saved are gonna try to hunt you down, how screwed are you?
Guess how old I am...
Help Find This Dress: February 2025
Lesser known deities that you love working with
I just dreamed this Really cool idea that I thought would make a good comic or fanfiction
do you like cheese
Have you asserted dominance today?
Type Coke OK with your sight organ closed.