Looking for an alternative weed method other than smoking or vaping that is fast acting
ClubGG - HUD?
Does pokertracker 4 support Club GG?
Any reputable youtube chanels for day or swing trading crypto?
Pixel vs Galaxy?
Looking for a phone with good camera to take insta pics
Camera on pixel 6 pro vs pixel 7/8 pro
My Story of 9 months on Parnate, good experience. Remission Achieved.
Section 8 Property Rentals
For men that have been prescribed Cialis to combat libido issues
Scared to start lexapro
What medications have helped with symptoms of Aspergers the best?
Thinking about going on Parnate, can I smoke DMT?
Thinking going on Parnate (MAOI drug), can I just take DMT powder?
Any advice for someone who hasn't had a big break through experience?
Parnate - Diet and Dose
Has anyone tried supplementing and noticed it helped with aspergers?
At what sublingual dose does selegiline start to inhibit MAOI-A?
For men only: Sexual problems - Selegiline/Emsam
For men only: Sexual problems - Parnate
For men only: Sexual problems