Hey fellow Springfieldians. How many times do you think Nelson has been held back in the 4th Grade?? The show never actually tells us.
What happened to the Democratic Party?
What happens if you speak with a Scottish accent in the United States?
The Jolly Roger Bays Soundtrack Sounds Absolutely Majestic
What is an honest opinion you have that would most likely be frowned upon?
What do you think only USA has but not any other country?
Boiling Hot Dogs
Help! Car won’t heat up
Tekton Tool Truck
Theory: Why Ren & Stimpy Appeared Instead of Itchy & Scratchy
What if Metallica had kept Dave Mustaine instead of kicking him out? Would they still be the biggest metal band?
If there’s a Zombie Apocalypse in your area and you’re stuck in place with someone(opposite sex) you truly hate, what would you do? Would you give a F*ck or just let him/her be?
What do you do family and loaning tools?
Is there a profession which people get paid for talking and cuddling but no sex?
Who is somebody whose opinions you agree with but you find their personality off putting?
At what point do you stop trying to help someone when they won't help themselves?
What piece of outdated technology did you think would never become obsolete?
Does anyone wake up feeling refreshed?
Could a female UFC fighter easily beat up an average guy?
Jay and Silent bob is hands down my favorite duo
What do you think about Canadians booing the USA anthem at sporting events ?
why do people still support chris brown?
Why is this sub suddenly filled with horny sexual questions?
Why do so many people claim that the COVID vaccine killed people?