I grabbed onto the vacuum cleaner, pushed the cord-retractor button and was on my way to freedom.
But all is not well in Jockeytown…
Did video of the James Corden ep intro ever make it online?
Best and Worst Parts of the Noke
This is what a giant banana orbiting Earth would look like
Somehow I’ve never seen this, but now that I have, I don’t know how I lived without it.
Roanoke City schools closed
How many times has Futurama referenced, or had whole episodes revolving around then recent topics? (Pre hulu but mostly the FOX era stuff)
What's your favorite movie where a character says the title in the dialogue?
Four years of friction on the chains that hold up my punching bag
Anyone know of any local, full time carpentry/maintenance job opportunities?
For those in the city, when was the last time your recycling got picked up?
liberal churches?
That‘s when I knew
Being a PM generalist is actually a superpower nowadays
Popular prog bands you cant get into.
Sometimes knowing when to shut up can make you a good leader
NSFW. Two guys are in a bar when an attractive woman walks in and sits down alone.
What are your unpopular food opinions?
What's the darkest joke in the whole series?
Dentist: Your gums are terrible. When was the last time you flossed?
Colourblind test: If you don’t see the number 7, that means you are colourblind
Discontinued Items
Where to see pretty Christmas lights?