Which Logic project you playing all the way through, no skips?
School Book Against BPD
i’m done
I (18F) am going to jump off a building in a few hours.
snapchat ad of a very famous woman- barely recognized her. how does she even think that’s realistic?
i feel like i don’t have any other option
my best friend has the worst boyfriend and i cant do anything about it
my (F 22) boyfriend (M 22) of 4 years refuses to help fix our relationship but begs me to stay… what do i do? how do i get him on the same page?
No internal organs to be found
Which prom dress??
Obligated to state when you’ve used AI?
looking for a mental health gentle reminder sub
How can I make the snake look more like a snake?
I only date people with NPD.
Would you knock me down a flight of stairs while I'm in a wheel chair for 4 million dollars?
You wake up, you're still your current age yet find yourself in the year you were born. What's the first thing you do?
Americans should face the fact that a big percentage of their population has mental health problems
Women, what are you scared of voicing out?
What is a massive red flag to you but completely normal to others?
What’s a videogame you have been addicted to at one point?
High body counts are a problem, no matter the gender of the person in question
What’s the scariest conspiracy theory you believe is 100% true?
What makes you cringe?
Do most college students read their textbooks?
All of these people claiming they're canceling "their" accounts