will rolling once a week kill me?
What do the books say about me?
Barely feeling the effects of MDMA after heavy abuse
At what age do I stop
Wolf of Wall Street(2013) Does anyone feel bad for this flight attendant?
Is Jaws the perfect film?
16M is my room really that boring man
27M. Genuinely curious what assumptions can be made about me based on my home
Should I watch this tonight?
My fiancée admitted she doesn’t find me physically attractive, but still wants to marry me. What do I do?
Need some recommendations
I think After hours is the most Pynchonesque movie
which dostoevsky book should i start with?
From this photo what should my next purchase be?
Movies that are peaceful with almost no tension
MDMA abuse help
Horrible headache after the comedown
How serious is serotonin syndrome with mdma?
C&P is something else
Was Joe Biden a good president?
Is it safe to do psilocybin after three weeks of mdma therapy session?
How the hell do I comprehend Notes From Underground?
Did Mdma for my first time 35 days ago and want to do it again today
Will i feel it even if i took last night?
What was your first Criterion purchase?